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"Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous. This is what the LORD will do to all the enemies you are going to fight."

"Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous. This is what the LORD will do to all the enemies you are going to fight."
This week was supposed to be our quiet week. We ended up at Arnold Palmer though.... this time for his foot.  Caleb was playing with his cousin on her swing set and I could tell by the way he fell he hurt himself. He limped and it got a little swollen. I talked to clinic and they said to give it a day and see how he is. The next day we were getting X Ray. I just wanted to be sure. He limped for a good few days after the fall. I know the steriods they put them on makes their bones easier for fractures and breaks so it concerned me. In the end, its ok. No fractures or breaks. He is walking better on it now, but I will just talk to doctor about it tomorrow at clinic.  So our off week turned into sitting hours at doctors and getting XRays.

Other than that we had a quiet week. Today I took Caleb to see ICE! It's a local attraction that has Ice Sculptures and slides. He absolutely loved it. Aside the fact that it's 9 degrees, it's great! We were bundled with long johns, sweatshirts, hats and gloves.... and parkas - yet, you still felt that chill! He loved seeing the Madagascar figures and the slides the most. He took 4 turns down the slides. We raced and had a blast. Lots of laughs. The exhibit was empty, which was great! After that we sat at the hotel, enjoying the holiday music, ate some ice cream and talked. Love days like this with my little boy!

Caleb got to go to school this week and see his friends one day. He always enjoys going to see his friends and learn. He's working on riding with out his training wheels. That's a work in progress for sure. He just needs to focus and I know he'll get it... all in due time I guess. And he picked up a baseball bat this week for the first time in a long time and was doing awesome and loved it. Maybe we will have a tee ball player this spring? 

This week the fourth floor at our hospital gained another angel. I hate hearing that. I didn't meet the girl that lost her battle, but had seen her and her mom on the floor. Each story I hear of a child losing a battle upsets me even more. I sat up and hardly slept after hearing the news. It is just so upsetting and heartbreaking. And I wasn't the only one up, I was on the phone, texting and on computer with all the other fourth floor moms. Sleep is overrated for us when all we do is worry. I know we all say, enjoy each day, but when it comes to the night -- I sit and worry and cry a lot. It's expected I guess. Every since this "invasion" we let our mind get consumed with what if thoughts and worry. I'm thankful though for each of these ladies in my life now. We are always there for each other.... be it a question, vent, happy or sad moment... I always know they will be up at those wee hours to answer my text or call. 

Caleb's name is on a ribbon to honor him and his fight in our nations capital, Washington DC. The tree brings awareness to childhood cancer by serving as a symbol for all these kids. You can search and see Caleb's Ribbon .

Caleb goes to clinic tomorrow for counts to see if he can continue his final dose of chemo for Interium Maintenance 2. His doctor feels he may be on hold due to his counts last week, so we will see. Hoping he meets them and we can just move forward to the next phase. 

Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday traditions that lead up to the holidays this year. We should be getting our tree trimmed this week at some point and Caleb is excited about that! Thank you all for your continued love, support and prayers. It means so much!

Caleb's Mama

Caleb at the ICE display
 Caleb and Mama in the 9 degrees of ICE!
 Caleb loving the ICE Slide!
 Caleb at ICE!
December 2012

By Jewel

And not to worry 'cause worry is wasteful
And useless in times like these
I won't be made useless
I won't be idle with despair
I will gather myself around my faith
For light does the darkness most fear


  1. Nawww that looks like so much fun!! Have a great Xmas you two! Hoping Caleb's counts will come back fine :)


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