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Showing posts from March, 2012

"Please fix me Doctor".....

"Please fix me Doctor," he said during his 4 am blood draw to the night shift nurse. Those words broke my heart even more than it already is. This is something Caleb & I have become accustomed to over the past few weeks. I usually know after that I'm up to start my day. I'm worrying till the Doctor does their rounds to hear his numbers and even more anxious lately because of his pancreatitis. The numbers have been decreasing, which is what they want them to do. They said he's made progress over the past few days that at times it takes people weeks to accomplish. That shows me how strong my little boy is. But he still has a lot of progress to make with the pancreatitis and before his treatment can resume. Still this is so hard. Seeing my little boy in pain and I am helpless. I'd do anything for it to be me laying on that bed instead of him. 11AM Dr just came in to tell us his numbers and talk to Caleb. His numbers dropped almost back to normal. That wa

One day at a time..

As I walk the halls of the fourth floor I feel like I'm in zombie state. Up at every possible hour of the night. Being woken up for blood draws and someone to hear or just want a listen. Its still hard to sink in. Caleb's day 8 procedure went well. This time I chose to stay in the room with him. He was pretty much out of it but was still talking. He heard me and the child life specialist talking to him through the whole thing. He is such a strong little boy. After that and his treatment, he was up eating his chicken nuggets and French fries on his bed an hour later. And he didn't stop there... Then he wanted to go to the pirate ship and cafe. There really is no stopping my C Blaise! After a quiet night in hospital, we were ready for discharge on Saturday. We both could not wait to get home. Though I was nervous the first night home alone with him, not having the nurses station ten steps away, we did great. I spent most of the night next to him. The following morn

The day our lives changed....

It was my 33 birthday... My plan was to get Caleb's cast on his leg, get some R&R, play Wii & have birthday cake. That isn't exactly how it worked out. It all started days prior when Caleb began complaining of a pain in his right wrist. Since he is a very active boy at home, in school and on the soccer field I figured it was a sprain. Plus, the way he continued to be so active and the pain was sporatic, I would give him Tylenol and tell him to rest. Finally on Saturday before his soccer game I was dressing him and he yelled as I put his shirt on. He still insisted it was ok, but to ease my mind I said we'd go to an urgent care later. He played a great game. Running around like crazy and being my little soccer star that he is. We later went to urgent care to check out his arm. After XRays they said the bone was bent and put it in a sling and to follow up with an ortho at some point this week. That didn't sit well with me.. Next stop was the Arnold Palmer ER for h